Friday, September 23, 2011

The happier side of France!

#23: After the concentration camp, we were lucky enough to escape to Mont St. Odile. It was a beautiful old monastery in the same mountain range as the CC in the east of France. There we had a gorgerous almost 360 degree view of the landscape around us, as well as possibly the worse ice cream ever. Apparently the French are not as skilled as Germans in the art of the ice cream. We also had our first interaction with a French man. He knew a little German thankfully, for otherwise we would have be totally lost. He understood no English and we all know no French. Not the best combo. After we had a little time to relax and process all of the CC information at Mont St. Odile, we were off to Strasbourg!

#24: Strasbourg was a very interesting and adorable city. It was once apart of Germany so there are alot of German influences and alot of German architecture. A really cool mix of cultures! As we approached the Cathedral de Notre Dame (not the Notre Dame in Paris, a different one), we heard what sounded like a huge protest. French protesting? You would think, but no it was a FLASH MOB! The med-students apparently had just finished their big final exam and were all dressed in decorated scrubs to celebrate. They busted out their dance moves and since it was an easy enough dance, I jumped in! How could I not? Those only happen once in a lifetime! SOOO MUCH FUN! After I finished getting my groove on, we toured the Cathedral. It was absolutely breathtaking, by far my favorite Church/Cathedral. We were then lucky enough to climb the 300 + stairs to the top of its tower. Again, just an amazing view. If you think going to the top of the Sears Tower is cool, you really need to come to Europe. They seriously out-do us on fantastic views scale. We finished our tours and then explored the city for a bit. Naturally we had to stop at a little outdoor French cafe for coffee and a crossiant. A perfect end to the day. I have to say this was one of my favorites days of the trip. During the long ride home, I put my music on and the importance of the day and just of everything I was experiencing on this study abroad trip hit me. I really am blessed to have this opprounity to travel the world, and I can't put into words how much I feel my life has already changed because of it. I have learned so much and everyday is another adventure. It is just unbelievable.

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